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Navigating Rejection and Abandonment

At some point in life we are going to encounter the tormenting twos that cause pain no matter how they show up, rejection and abandonment. Rejection and abandonment refer to experiences of being excluded and dismissed. Rejection is the act of refusing to accept,...

Experiencing Loss

At some point in life we will all experience some form of loss. Loss shows up when the bonds we have formed in and around us are broken or changed. Loss is experienced when what we once held as a value or possession is no longer present for us to experience in life or...

Pain Is Not Your Enemy

In life we all experience different kinds of emotions and a single emotion can lead to several other emotions. These emotions create feelings and knowings within us. Most times the feelings that come with an unpleasant emotion is pain. Pain, no matter if it’s...

Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings

“When you’re able to identify, feel, and express your feelings you can make the appropriate moves, changes, and decisions that will enable you to experience and enjoy your life to the fullest.”~Dr. Monica Lisa Schultz As long as we are living we will have experiences...