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Navigating Grief~ Non-death losses

Grief does not only surface because of death. Grief surfaces because of significant loss or the failure to obtain something or someone significant to you. There are all types of loss. You can experience a loss in a relationship even when you are still actively in the...

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Navigating the question, who am I

I’ve lost myself, I don’t know who I am, and I never really found myself are statements that I have heard several times from those who have come to me seeking counseling. These thoughts often have surfaced after a traumatic event or significant loss. When we are faced...

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Navigating Grief~ Guilt and Regret

Life's a journey and on this journey we will travel many different paths. One of the paths that we will travel is grief. Grief is our response to a significant loss. Grief comes with a lot of different emotions, and physical and spiritual responses. Two emotions that...

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My Journey !

I was told about blogging several years ago but I would not do it because writing intimidated me. It’s probably more truthful to say writing for others to read intimidated me because I have been writing since I was a young girl. I started keeping a diary when I was eight or nine years old. Keeping a diary was cool and it made me feel “grown” (lol). Over time diary keeping has become known as journaling.

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Why Not Therapy?

A lot of times I am asked the question, “Why should I go to therapy?” But the question I ask is “why not go to therapy?” Before I go any further into answering this question let's define what psychotherapy (therapy) is. Psychotherapy, mostly referred to as therapy or...

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